Thursday 17 January 2013

Is 2013 unlucky, or is it just me?

Oh no, HOW long has it been since I updated this?????

Have not even put Happy New Year, or made any resolutions. Although the way this year is going I may just hibernate until 2014.

So far this year I have still been suffering from the remains of a cold from before Christmas. Can't seem to shake it whatever I do.

Add to that getting shut out of my house at midnight after a night out. No I was not locked out. The door handle refused to move as the mechanism had broken. Ended having to sleep at a friends before getting someone to force their way in the next day. Was not happy with the door after this, so had a new one fitted, that took 2 days in the snow. Also managed to hurt my wrist when I tried to open it.

Car failed MOT and had to stay in garage for extra 3 days before bit could be delivered for it.

Then last night could not open the car door as the lock was frozen, so missed meeting I should have been going to. It had worked fine earlier in the day, but the temperatures had dropped by evening.
Thought I would phone up and let them know, only to find I had lost my mobile.

This morning tried to phone my mobile to locate it, and it was answered by someone. So put bar on phone and sim - only to discover the phone later in the car. Now trying to get it unbarred.

Not going to risk going out tonight. But I door have a lovely new door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you had a bad start to 2013 Paula. Things will get better Not long now and I will be retired. :-)
Will be sending you an invite when Jill and I get married. Take care.